About Us
IGS specializes on approaching companies with massive customer portfolios which have products that need to stand out from the competition in the market or those which have a high level of demand to deliver comprehensive solutions, and based on the needs of these customers, we bring them services that make their offer more tangible. We have identified an opportunity relating to your offer and we are confident of its success.
Our aim is to adapt to the needs of our partners by developing innovative services of the highest quality.
0 Clients use our Services
0 In/out bound positions
0 Services completed yearly
0 Programs launched to date
0 Sponsors
Banks - Financial - Institutes - Insurers - Retails - Services - Utilities
0 Countries
What sets us apart
- We adapt to customer’s needs
- Non-stop creation of innovative assistance models which keep up with the ever changing market
- The backing of IGS in the delivery of services, guaranteeing customer satisfaction
- Customer experience focused on providing high quality service which meets all our client’s needs.
- We have our own network with 24/7 – 365 day a year assistance.
- Qualified professionals in assistance services.
- Follow-up and online supervision for each service provided.
- Certified Processes

Our differentiation
- Innovation programs
- Programs with high-use in the service designed with customer focus
- Certified processes
- Daily payment to suppliers
- Ranking of technicians
- Our own call centers
- 360 ° customer experience
Executive Team
Digital Sales KPIs

Join Our Network
- Increased income through higher service opportunities
- Steady business year round without slow seasons.
- Business growth & increase local market recognition without additional advertisement expenses
- Continuous Referrals resulting in new, long lasting loyal customer relationships
- Instant payment or reliable, prompt payment schedule
- Dependable support
- Account Management Tools
- Free customer service evaluations/feedback and ratings with improvement recommendations
Contact our Service Provider Network Department at providers@igroupsolution.com to apply.
Contact Us
1395 Brickell Ave., Suite 670
Brickell Arch, Miami, FL 33131