Your experts in value-add assistance programs.
We protect those who have always put us first!
We know the needs of different generational groups
Assistance prepared to offer safety and well-being to your children.
Together, we create a path to success.
About us
0 Clients
0 Services provided in 2023
0 Active programs
We are present in
21 countries
America and Europe
North America
United States & Mexico
Central & South America
Guatemala - El Salvador - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - Panama - Colombia - Ecuador - Peru - Brazil - Bolivia - Chile - Paraguay - Argentina - Uruguay
Spain - Portugal - Italy
Turkey - Philippines - India - Indonesia
Certified Processes
INTEGRAL GROUP SOLUTION, is certified in ISO-27001 of Information Security, as well as in the ISO-9001 standard of Quality Management.
Additionally we have a Risk Management System according to ISO 31000 and a Business Continuity Management System based on the ISO-22301 standard.

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